WeShine Prototype Pod and Village

These are the current (as of November 2021) WeShine prototype pod and village designs – designed by retired architect Francis McBride.

These designs are evolving as we grow – and will be customized for each microvillage. They are designed to meet a number of criteria:

WeShine Pods

  • welcoming: comfortable, insulated and handsome
  • empowering: private, dignified, customizable
  • safe: secure, lockable, raised to avoid water and pests
  • affordable. These huts have a price tag of about $2,500 each (depending on price of materials)
  • easy to assemble and dissemble
  • provide 1-2 beds, a porch, natural light

WeShine Villages

  • Small: 10-12 people
  • Compact: small footprint, flexible shape
  • Includes 10 sleeping huts, potties, community building with kitchen and heat
  • Village services to be arranged: garbage disposal, laundry service