WeShine designs, builds, and operates neighborhood-based micro villages that provide safe, transitional shelter with wrap-around services for Portland’s underserved, unsheltered adults as they prepare to become successful tenants in permanent, affordable housing.

St. Andrew's Village Sneak Peek was a Success!
Thank you to everyone who attended our Sneak Peek event for our St. Andrews Village this past Saturday, March 8. We are so grateful for the incredible support of our amazing community!

If you were unable to join us for the event, check out our social media pages or head over to the St. Andrew's Village page for more info about this amazing village!
St. Andrew's Village
@govtinakotek is a proud member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, and we were so honored that she could join us at WeShine PDX this morning for our latest Village preview! #northportland #Oregon #housingthehouseless #microvillage #StAndrewsVillage

@govtinakotek is a proud member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, and we were so honored that she could join us at WeShine PDX this morning for our latest Village preview! #northportland #Oregon #housingthehouseless #microvillage #StAndrewsVillage ...

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It’s almost time for us to begin welcoming folks to the soft opening at #StAndrewsVillage in #NorthPortland ! We are so excited to become part of the community. It’s a special day at #StAndrewsEpiscopalChurch . 💕🏠🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#microvillage #housingthehouseless

It’s almost time for us to begin welcoming folks to the soft opening at #StAndrewsVillage in #NorthPortland ! We are so excited to become part of the community. It’s a special day at #StAndrewsEpiscopalChurch . 💕🏠🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#microvillage #housingthehouseless ...

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Excited for tomorrow! Come see St. Andrew’s new lift in action! Our fearless leader, Jan McManus, St. Andrew’s church member, Carol Cushman, and our friends from @allinonemobility inaugurated the new lift. This amazing project has been an idea in the works at St. Andrew’s for over a decade! Now church members and our villagers can easily access the basement and our community kitchen! 

#accessability #mobility #dei #handicappedneighbors #unhousedneighbors #lift #weshinepdx #jointofficeofhomelessservices #housingservices #housingservicesdepartment #transitionalshelters #northportland #standrewsepiscopalchurch

Excited for tomorrow! Come see St. Andrew’s new lift in action! Our fearless leader, Jan McManus, St. Andrew’s church member, Carol Cushman, and our friends from @allinonemobility inaugurated the new lift. This amazing project has been an idea in the works at St. Andrew’s for over a decade! Now church members and our villagers can easily access the basement and our community kitchen!

#accessability #mobility #dei #handicappedneighbors #unhousedneighbors #lift #weshinepdx #jointofficeofhomelessservices #housingservices #housingservicesdepartment #transitionalshelters #northportland #standrewsepiscopalchurch

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Women have always made history and are making history now! Women like WeShine’s founder, Jan McManus, and women and female identifying folks in our villages and in our staff are integral to WeShine and we honor the centuries of women who have come before us: leaders of countries, leaders of non profits, female church leaders, trans women, women of color, indigenous women, women supporting their families, women in the arts, scientists, teachers, engineers and more! 

#womenshistorymonth #marchiswomenshistorymonth #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen #womenleaders #transwomenarewomen #genderequality #unhousedwomen #nativewomen #portlandnonprofit #weshinepdx

Women have always made history and are making history now! Women like WeShine’s founder, Jan McManus, and women and female identifying folks in our villages and in our staff are integral to WeShine and we honor the centuries of women who have come before us: leaders of countries, leaders of non profits, female church leaders, trans women, women of color, indigenous women, women supporting their families, women in the arts, scientists, teachers, engineers and more!

#womenshistorymonth #marchiswomenshistorymonth #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen #womenleaders #transwomenarewomen #genderequality #unhousedwomen #nativewomen #portlandnonprofit #weshinepdx

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